Today's Obituaries for 3/18/25
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Name Lifetime Residence Service
Mr. Sammie Ervin 3/24/39 to 1/29/23 Flint, MI 2/3/23 - 2:00 PM
Marianne Cogdon 3/10/55 to 1/29/23 Flint, MI 2/4/23 - 2:00 PM
Michael Welch 2/28/61 to 1/29/23 Clio, MI No Service
Pastor Chrisele Green 5/18/61 to 1/29/23 Grand Blanc, MI 2/8/23 - 12:00 PM
Ms. Rochelle Harris 7/31/84 to 1/29/23 Flint, MI 2/7/23 - 2:00 PM
Rebecca Page 11/22/49 to 1/29/23 Burton, MI 2/13/23 - 1:00 PM
Leroy Spears 12/18/43 to 1/28/23 Grand Blanc, MI Private Service
Marion Bricker 1/15/32 to 1/28/23 Flushing, MI 2/2/23 - 11:00 AM
Dale Hitchcock 6/27/49 to 1/28/23 Genesee, MI 2/3/23 - 2:00 PM
Gary Nicora 8/25/40 to 1/28/23 Clio, MI 2/3/23 - 3:00 PM
Ms. Barbara Nelson 12/17/43 to 1/28/23 Flint, MI 2/10/23 - 11:00 AM
Hartley Donahue 7/21/40 to 1/28/23 Corunna, MI 2/11/23 - 11:00 AM
Daniel Wallace 4/29/66 to 1/28/23 Davison, MI 2/1/23 - 12:00 PM
Eloise Moore 6/10/34 to 1/27/23 formerly of Flint, MI 2/4/23 - 11:00 AM
Roger Baker 10/8/36 to 1/27/23 Grand Blanc, MI 2/11/23 - 12:00 PM
Algie Thomas 7/18/63 to 1/27/23 Flint, MI 2/6/23 - 11:00 AM
Robert Hursh 11/1/30 to 1/27/23 Montrose, MI 1/31/23 - 1:00 PM
Donald Sisler 9/23/30 to 1/27/23 Swartz Creek, MI Private Service
Margo Wright 3/25/50 to 1/27/23 Flnt, TN No Service
Pamela Hoskey 1/29/23 to 1/27/23 Swartz Creek MI, 2/4/23 - 11:00 AM
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