Today's Obituaries for 2/8/25
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Name Lifetime Residence Service
James Neubeck 3/16/44 to 12/11/24 Flushing, MI 12/15/24 - 12:00 AM
Scott Coxon 9/11/64 to 12/11/24 Montrose, MI 12/16/24 - 2:00 PM
Gregg Koch 6/23/57 to 12/11/24 Owosso, MI 12/14/24 - 10:30 AM
Mary "Ginny" Evans 5/28/29 to 12/11/24 Beaverton, MI 12/16/24 - 1:00 PM
Dr. Bruce Troutman 3/15/47 to 12/11/24 Thompsonville, MI No Service
Kenneth King 4/25/41 to 12/10/24 Flushing, MI 12/19/24 - 11:00 AM
Donald Weber 7/23/38 to 12/10/24 Funeral service will be held at Central Church of the Nazarene, Flint, MI 12/17/24 - 11:00 AM
Roberta Chappell 5/17/38 to 12/10/24 Millington, MI No Service
Margie "Pat" Patricia Davis 9/24/40 to 12/10/24 Davison, MI 12/17/24 - 1:00 PM
Phillip Cooper 9/2/49 to 12/10/24 Memorial Service will be held at Bristol Road Church of Christ, Flint, MI 12/21/24 - 12:00 PM
Harold Frase 12/26/34 to 12/10/24 Genesee, MI Delayed
Dorothy McMillan 8/14/30 to 12/10/24 Corunna, MI 12/21/24 - 2:00 PM
Earl Swain 6/10/26 to 12/10/24 Montrose , MI 1/18/25 - 2:00 PM
Franklin Kasle 12/29/41 to 12/9/24 Flint Township, MI 12/11/24 - 1:00 PM
Veronica Allen 6/27/52 to 12/9/24 Flint, MI 12/13/24 - 1:00 PM
Shayne Moore 4/24/03 to 12/9/24 Mount Morris, MI 12/28/24 - 12:00 AM
Jean Gibbs 11/10/34 to 12/9/24 Flushing, MI 12/18/24 - 11:00 AM
Beverly Weaver 1/8/27 to 12/9/24 Flint, MI 12/15/24 - 2:00 PM
Mary Gish-Moore 11/25/67 to 12/9/24 Flint, MI 12/14/24 - 3:00 PM
Robert Yorton 3/18/39 to 12/8/24 Lapeer, MI No Service
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