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Sandra Alberta Mattson

Born: 3/21/1955
Died: 3/3/2023
Age: 67
Community: Flint, MI

Sandra Alberta Mattson, 67, of Flint died peacefully at her home on March 3rd, 2023. Loved by all she is survived by her children Bart and Shannon, her grandchildren Patience and Phoenix and like, Genghis Khan has so many surviving relatives no one knows who is who.

What we do know is she was everyone’s “Aunt Sandy” and when everyone gets together it will be the largest gathering since Patrick Swayze’s 1989 film Next of Kin.

Though sad it was so sudden, we find comfort in the fact that she lived a life on her terms. She was unflinching and always herself. Many may travel the world searching for happiness, yet she found it and wished us all to do the same.

Be true to yourself. Be a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen. Give unconditionally. This is how Aunt Sandy lived, and it was a life worth living.

Whether by luck or chance, she always had a knack for winning. Yet, the truth is we were lucky to have the chance to have this amazing person be a part of our lives.

A feisty firecracker, she could be found competing with her children by out lucking her daughter at bingo or going to Yannis where she showed her son what a real liver can do.

In addition to her children, she had many hobbies. These include farting when she coughed in her sleep, playing 70 bingo cards at one time and indoctrinating her grandkids into classic TV shows like the Commish.

No funeral services will be held at this time.

Instead, in true Aunt Sandy form, we will hold a celebration of life memorial at a later date. There you can honor her by making a friend smile and being there for those in need.

Reasons with Rhymes

Welp our mother has died and quickly went,

Now we can confess gaslighting our parents.

You see, when we were young,

Me and my sibling didn’t get along.

That is of course,

Until we had to join forces,

To protect our asses,

From our parents’ microscopic glasses.

Yup, I burned up the house and blamed it on my sister.

But she made dad think he broke the bathtub tile, so who would miss her.

Sneaking out shoes, punch out a gold tooth.

Poke broom holes in the wall, dad and mom didn’t know the truth.

We’re older now and get along just fine,

But gaslighting our parents were fun times.

They’re both gone now and we could be sad.

But we have a treasure full of memories so it’s not too bad.

If you have any questions, then “go ask dad”.

According to everyone’s Aunt Sandy

“It doesn’t matter”

Copyright © 2025 Direct Obits, LLC

  Swartz Funeral Home & Cremation Center
1225 West Hill Road
Flint, MI 48507

Phone: (810) 235-2345

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Date:   3/10/2023
Time:   -
Funeral Service

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