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Annette Johnston Sawinska

Born: 10/8/1920
Died: 12/19/2019
Age: 99
Community: Flushing, MI

Sawinska, Annette Johnston - Age 99, of Flushing, died December 19, 2019. Funeral services will be held 2PM Monday, December 23 at Sharp Funeral Home & Cremation Center 6063 Fenton Rd. Flint. Pastor Joseph Novak officiating.Visitation will be held 3-6 PM Sunday and from 1PM Monday until the time of service. Annette was born October 8, 1920 in Flint, the daughter of Michael Rae and Joan (Crowe) Gardner. She lived most of her life in the Flint area. She was a graduate of Flint Northern High School and Baker Business College. She married William Anthony Sawinska on July 8, 1950 in Flint. He preceded her in death in 2009. During World War II, she served in the Navy Waves in Hawaii making lifelong friends. Annette worked for Hurley Medical Center for 15 years before retiring in 1985. She was a member of the Navy Waves. She was a member of the Community Presbyterian Church. Throughout most of her life, she made time for exercise classes and long crack of dawn brisk walks, She read the Flint Journal front to back and was always able to discuss what she found there. In her later years, she studied the Bible regularly. She was always near a radio, she loved NPR. Annette is survived by her children, Dennis Sawinska of Flushing, Joyce Sawinska of Akron, Ohio, Timothy Sawinska of Raleigh, NC., and Kathleen Snow (Beth Pace) of Allen TX. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, William; sister-in-law, Adeline Sawinska Bickersteth. The family thanks both Hyde Park Memory and Heart to Heart Hospice for Annette's care Tributes may be shared on the obituaries page of
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  Sharp Funeral Home and Cremation Center


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Date:   12/22/2019
Time:   3:00 PM
3-6PM Sunday
Funeral Service
Date:   12/23/2019
Time:   2:00 PM
6063 Fenton Rd.
Flint, MI 48507

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