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Betty Jane Mechura

Born: 4/7/1930
Died: 1/24/2020
Age: 89
Community: Flint, MI

Betty Jane, “BJ”, Mechura (Wilson) died peacefully at the Chesaning Comfort Care Home in Chesaning on January 24th at the age of 89.

Betty is survived by her children Krystal Seaman, Cynthia Butcher and Lawrence Pless, 7 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. She also leaves many nieces, nephews, cousins, stepfamily members and friends. She is preceded in death by her husband John Mechura.

Betty was born on April 7, 1930 in Kennedy, Alabama to Burl & Winnie Wilson. After high school, Betty attended Carraway Nursing School in Birmingham, Ala; shortly after she married James Pless, her first husband and they located to Michigan to gain employment. As a result she made Michigan her permanent home and they raised their three children in the Flint area. When her children were older, Betty worked at Citizens Bank in a variety of roles for over 25 years. During that time she focused earning an Associate Degree in Applied Science Banking Management.

She had many interests. Many were unaware she was an accomplished pianist who studied classical piano from an early age into adulthood. She also loved art & nature and combined her love of painting to make dozens of beautiful watercolor scenes. It was also fun for her to bake breads, pies and granola cookies. She loved books and reading and believed the world could be changed for the better through education and critical thinking.

Throughout her life she was also a member of & involved in a variety of ways with the United Methodist Church. At one time she was in the choir, taught 7th grade Sunday School and volunteered in her early days at the Whaley Home. She loved church history and could tell about the Wesley family as if she was one of them.

Aside from music and art, Betty also loved playing tennis and golf. She took her sports rather seriously and would always be trying to improve her game.

In her retirement she and husband John Mechura met their goal to travel to all of the states. Taking pictures of beautiful scenery and historic sites became a hobby.

One of her favorite things was to plan fun with the grandchildren. When the grandkids were young, she enjoyed showing them her garden or baking with them or taking them to “The Nutcracker Suite” or out to the country for blueberry picking.

Before living in an assisted living facility, she spent time in Florida often hosting friends & family, and down there, several years as a snowbird, she enjoyed many community & local activities with companion Mel Herskovits, who has since passed on before her.

She always expressed that she had a very wonderful, fulfilling life and enjoyed all the blessings that were hers.

The funeral is scheduled for Friday, January 31, 2020 at 12 noon at Reigle Funeral Home, 5501 W. Pierson Rd., Flushing. The showing is scheduled the day before on Thursday, January 30, 2020 from 1pm to 8pm.

The family would like to thank caregivers at the Comfort Care of Chesaning for their care and dedication to Betty in her last days.
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  Reigle Funeral Home Sunset Chapel
5501 West Pierson Rd.
Flushing, MI 48433

Phone: (810) 732-1448

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Date:   1/30/2020
Time:   1:00 PM
Funeral Service
Date:   1/31/2020
Time:   12:00 PM
Location:   Reigle Funeral Home, Sunset Chapel
5501 West Pierson Rd.
Flushing, MI 48433

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